Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Ukhuwah (Brotherhood) in Islam

Topic Sentence           Every Muslim around the world are bound in a bond that is called with ukhuwah.
Supporting Point         First of all, ukhuwah is the heart and soul of attachment to each other with ties Aqeedah. Ukhuwah divided into two kinds.
Examples                     Ukhuwah Islamiyah (are timeless and universal because it is based on theology and Islamic law), Ukhwah Jahiliyah is temporary in nature (limited time and place, such as ethnicity, nationality, etc.).
Supporting Point         Then, ukhuwah have several different levels.
Examples                     Ta'aruf (know each other), tafahum (mutual understanding), ta'awun (help each other in goodness and leave the crime).
Supporting Point         Furthermore, there are some things we can do in this life to strengthen the bonds ukhuwah toward others.
Examples                     1. Tells the love of our beloved
Hadith narrated by Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah said: "There's someone in addition to the Prophet and one of his companions passed in front of him. People who besides the Prophet had said: 'I love him, yes Rasullah.' Then the Prophet replied: 'Did you tell him? "The man replied:' Not yet. 'Then the Messenger of Allah said:' Tell him. 'Then the person told him saying: 'Verily I love you because of God. "Then the people who loved it replied:' May God loves you because you love me because of Him."
2. Asking for prayer if you want to split up
3. Denotes happy and smile when see
"Do not  underestimate the good (whatever comes from your brother), and if you meet with your brother then gave him a smile of excitement. "(Muslim)
4. Shake hands when the meet (except non-mahram)
"No two believers who meet and shake hands unless they are forgiven their sins before the split." (Reported by Abu Daud of Barra ')

5. Often stay in touch (visiting relatives)
6. Giving gifts at certain times
7. Noting him and help him
8. Fulfilling the rights of his brother
9. Congratulated in moments of success
Supporting Point         Moreover, ukhuwah has benefits that are very useful for our life in this world and in the world after we die.
Examples                     1. Feel how delicious the faith
2. Getting the protection of Allah on the Day of Resurrection
3. Getting a special place in heaven

Concluding Sentence:
In conclusion, we as Muslims must keep ukhuwah so that our lives more rewarding, both for ourselves and for others. If not, what do we live if we do not help each other, understand and know each other, because God created people differently so that we can understand each other, advise each other, and cooperate with each other to get the pleasure of Allah SWT.

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Final Examination at Lampuuk Beach, 14th of January 2012

Guys, salah satu memory terindahku setelah masa SMA adalah "Final di Alam Terbuka" tepatnya final bareng tamasya sama dosen SPI (Ms. Asmanidar). Nah, kami semua (Unit 3 TBA '11 IAIN Ar-Raniry) sepakat untuk final di Babah 3 Lampuuk, yaitu suatu objek wisata pantai yang sangat indah berlokasi di Banda Aceh.
Dan, tentu saja, ngak kelupaan acara bakar-bakar ayam... Yummyy...
Pokoknya, seneng banget pas pulang dari sana, kebersamaannya sungguh terasa, and diakhir acara, Ibunda Asmanidar mempersembahkan puisinya untuk anak-anak didiknya tercinta, kami. Puisinya mengharukan sekali,, daku sampai menitikkan air mata... Beliau memang seorang guru yang hebat!!! We must say much thank to her... Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Untuk semua anggota unit kami juga qami say thank you, krn jika bukan karena kalian, tak kan ada moment2 terindah seperti ini...

Tya Us, Tya Han, Naura, Huda, Halimah, Uus, Mesy, Zuhra, Muna, Nadia, Icha, Dek Yani, Naya, Mul, Erlia, Thursina, Rahmat, Seha, Syukry, Ikram, Reza, Iqbal, Haris, Munawar, Saiful, Nazli, Ali, Saddam, Ilham, Hasanuddin, Nasrullah... ^_^